When John Peterson promised his two kids a tree house, he had no intention of building them a luxurious 200 sq ft mansion. But one thing led to another and his plans and aspirations got bigger and voila - three years later, the Peterson kids have a tree house that is turning into a tourist destination in the town of Onalaska, Wisconsin.
The two-storey house has everything a kid (or even an adult could ever dream of). Instead of a rope ladder, this mansion can be entered via a spiral staircase, and that is just the beginning. Inside, is a trap door and two loft rooms connected by a swing bridge. There are real doors and windows and even two skylights, and if you need more fresh air, a deck you can hang out on.
Having a sleepover? - No problem, the tree house is connected to electricity and has eight lights and eight power outlets, just in case you want to bring along that Game Boy or Nintendo DS. The only thing missing? - Running water - but showers are so over-rated anyway!
And John did want to connect the tree house to the water supply. However, his wife Sue, who has been watching John work on this project for the last three years, thought that was going overboard and put a stop to it.
John admits that he did get a little carried away, but the house is so much fun, that it was worth the effort.
Source: WxoW.com. Yahoonews.com