Today, marks the 100th day since President Obama and his family moved into the White House. While the rest of the world is focused on the President, we thought it would be fun to recall what Malia and Sasha have been up to, since they have moved into their new home.
The First Night
The two girls moved into their new digs on January 21st. While their parents danced the night away at the various inauguration balls, the two girls had some fun of their own. Malia, Sasha and a few lucky friends started the night by watching two of their most favorite movies - "High School Musical 3" and "Bolt". Then came the late night scavenger hunt - a White House tradition to help introduce the new residents to all the secret passageways and hideouts.
However, the best was still to come - Following the final clue of the hunt, the girls opened the door only to find Kevin, Nick and Joe Jonas, who had stopped by to greet their biggest fans. We can just imagine what the girls' reaction was!
A Surprise Play Structure
On March 4th, Malia and Sasha came home to a big surprise. While they were slogging away at school, the President and the First Lady had been busy supervising the installation of a brand new play structure - A first in the 200+ year history of the White House.
The redwood structure, strategically located outside President's office, has three conventional swings and one tire swing, a fort, a climbing wall, as well as, some climbing ropes. A picnic table with all the 44 president's names etched on a brass plate, has been placed close by.
Needless to say, the Obama family had a blast trying out their new playground for the rest of the afternoon.
An Organic Vegetable Garden
On March 20th, the first lady and 26 elementary school kids got together to lay the foundations of a year-around organic garden. The 1,100 square foot garden, which is expected to grow over 55 varieties of fruits and vegetables, is situated in the South Lawn, in the same area as the play structure. Malia and Sasha are definitely going to have some fun picking some of the yummy produce for snack, in between swing breaks!
The Annual Easter Egg Roll Hunt
On Easter Monday, Malia and Sasha and over 300 lucky kids participated in the Easter Egg Roll Hunt, another White House tradition. After the hunt, the two girls settled down to hear the President read 'Where The Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak, and then helped their mom and grandmother, while they read the popular "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". All in all, it seemed to be yet another fun day in the Obama household.
At Last - Bo, The White House Puppy Arrives
After waiting patiently for almost the entire 100 days, the Obama girls finally received their biggest wish - A dog. Bo, a curly-haired, cute-as-a-button, puppy made his White House debut on April 14th. The frisky Portuguese Water dog who had been returned by his first owner, because he couldn't get along with the other family dogs, seems to be having no problems at the White House. Maybe he was just destined for bigger and better things.
The Obama girls have certainly had a fun 100 days in their new home - Besides these activities, we are sure there have been some bowling parties and movies in the White House theater, not to mention some winter fun in the vast lawns. We wish the two girls the best and hope that the rest of their stay at the White House will continue to be as much fun!
Sources:Abcnews, cnn.com, washingtonpost.com