Looking for that special dish for the year-end school party? Then you have to check out my recipe this week. It's easy, healthy and most importantly yummmmmmmmy! Just ask my friend Jessica!

Couscous With Apples and Cranberries


1-1/2 cups couscous (Israeli / Middle Eastern)

1 large apple

1 cup dried cranberries

3/4 cup slivered almonds

4 springs (2-3 Tablespoons) chopped fresh rosemary

1 lemon


Boil the couscous for about 5 minutes until al dente. Drain and put aside to cool. Drizzle a little olive oil on the couscous to keep it from sticking.

Toast the slivered almonds in a skillet until they turn light brown (few minutes). Put aside to cool.

Chop the apple into bite sized chunks and squirt a little lemon over them, so that they don't turn brown.

Putting It All Together

Combine the couscous, apple, cranberries, rosemary and almonds in a large bowl. Squirt the remaining lemon and toss gently. Chill until you are ready to serve. Yummy!

Happy Memorial Day!

sources: Miranda, Lisa and Dean Church