This website is a great resource for Social Studies and History projects because you can now find all of your research from one area. Since the subject matter is broken down by the different periods, it is easy to parse through the content and find what you are looking for easily.
Go to kids site10 Comments
- warrior-thecutaover 9 yearsThank in DOGOsites
- annabeth123over 10 yearsI <3 this site!!!!
- annabeth123over 10 yearsI like BBC history, and this is no exception.
- markabout 14 yearssup
- dj about 14 yearsit dose
- dj about 14 yearsyes
- damienabout 14 yearsmoney i hate that subject
- sammyabout 14 yearsi heart $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- coolgirlabout 14 yearsi love horses
- dudeover 14 yearsdude i'm gross