A great site to learn about how to manage your finances. Each of the four games is broken down by grade and gets progressively more complicated. But whether you are 5 or 15, you will emerge with some great tips on how to make smart decisions about money. An added bonus? You will be sharpening your math skills too!
Go to kids site78 Comments
- lvover 10 yearsThis site helped my sister with her math. Maybe it will help someone else sibling.
- bibliophileover 10 yearsCool, that sounds fun...
- jules2hip293almost 11 yearscool
- alonahmover 11 yearsthat sounds super fun
- tieraabout 12 yearsit isi not math it is brian games katerinawb thank u so much
- cutehermiabout 12 yearsi gotta try this on.
- rcsazabout 12 yearsI haven't tried this yet but it sounds like MONOPOLY!
- yoselinaover 12 yearsi think all the kids are smart
- necrofantasyover 12 yearslooks like its for little kids but i will try it
- katerinawbover 12 yearsMATH IS FUNNNNNNNNNNNNY