Miss Kim's Activity (42)
flowerpotter's book review was featured in Game On! (Star Striker).
Albert Kinney: The average 7th grader. Just a normal kid trying to get into the soccer team. You might be thinking, "UGH WHO CARES ABOUT A 7TH GRADER WHO IS TRYING TO GET INTO THE SOCCER TEAM. THIS IS GOING TO BE SUCH A BORING PLOT." He tries out for the soccer team and he doesn't make it. But what happens is that he get abducted by aliens. Now that's a pretty cool plot. He gets abducted by aliens and they end up telling him that they want him to play soccer for thier team! Albert is still confused and shcked by that fact that there are such things as aliens. Okay let's recap so far, middle school kid tries out for soccer team. Fails. Gets abducted by aliens, and what else well they want him to be their Star Stikers. The planet that he will be playing for is Zeenod. Pretty cool name if you ask me. I can't tell too much without spoling the book. I would reccomend to anyone who likes Sci-Fi and Soccer.
Over 3 years agoflowerpotter's book review was featured in Soccer Trophy Mystery (Fred Bowen Sports Story Series, 24).
Aiden, Ava and Daniel found out that a trophy went missing 40 years ago but now they must find the missing trophy and whatever happened to. What was the criminals motive, and since this was 40 years ago there isn't much to go off of. But lucky them that they have to deal with soccer practices and games. Why do couple of teenagers think they can figure out where the trophy has gone when the police department and decteives have searched looking for that trophy. Who stole the trophy. As suspision rises it can be anyone. What will happen read the book to find out !!!
Over 3 years agoflowerpotter added a book review.
Albert Kinney: The average 7th grader. Just a normal kid trying to get into the soccer team. You might be thinking, "UGH WHO CARES ABOUT A 7TH GRADER WHO IS TRYING TO GET INTO THE SOCCER TEAM. THIS IS GOING TO BE SUCH A BORING PLOT." He tries out for the soccer team and he doesn't make it. But what happens is that he get abducted by aliens. Now that's a pretty cool plot. He gets abducted by aliens and they end up telling him that they want him to play soccer for thier team! Albert is still confused and shcked by that fact that there are such things as aliens. Okay let's recap so far, middle school kid tries out for soccer team. Fails. Gets abducted by aliens, and what else well they want him to be their Star Stikers. The planet that he will be playing for is Zeenod. Pretty cool name if you ask me. I can't tell too much without spoling the book. I would reccomend to anyone who likes Sci-Fi and Soccer.
Over 3 years agoflowerpotter added a book review.
Aiden, Ava and Daniel found out that a trophy went missing 40 years ago but now they must find the missing trophy and whatever happened to. What was the criminals motive, and since this was 40 years ago there isn't much to go off of. But lucky them that they have to deal with soccer practices and games. Why do couple of teenagers think they can figure out where the trophy has gone when the police department and decteives have searched looking for that trophy. Who stole the trophy. As suspision rises it can be anyone. What will happen read the book to find out !!!
Over 3 years agoflowerpotter has read this book.
Over 3 years agoflowerpotter has read this book.
Over 3 years agodonthavedog added a book review.
Have you ever wondered if trolls and gnomes were real?Well in Lodestar the leaders of each species came to sign the treaty including Sophie Foster. Everything was going fine till the shaking started to happen. Everything started to fall Sophie was locked in her room. When she got out she was trying to find her way out because for the safety there they had to blind fold everyone. She found Mr. Forkle and he told her to get out but she said she wasn’t leaving till she left with Edaline. He left to find Edaline Sophie was running to get out of there until she crossed paths with Edaline. They started to work to get out. They eventually came out alive. Keefe told Sophie that Mr. Forkle wasn’t with the other people. Sophie went with Keefe to find Mr. Forkle they found him with Councilor Oralie. When they found him he was bleeding and he told them that he got into a fight with Gethen and he used the sword near his cell. I like how Messenger made Sophie so she never gives up and she is always trying to move on. That’s why I think the theme is “never lose hope”. I think this is the theme because Sophie was going to give up on breaking down the door but Sophie kept trying and trying. Some memorable characters are Sophie, Keefe, and Dex. Sophie is a girl who would do anything to save people who she cares about even if it means risking her life. Keefe is trying to solve problems even though he has some of his own. I can understand Keefe that he is hiding his problems but he should know that his friends are there for him.Dex is always a boy who was looked down on but ever since he manifested as a technopath it stopped. I feel bad for Dex because he was always looked down on just because his parents were a bad match. Now I am going to tell you how elves live like. The world that elves live in is divided up because trolls, gnomes, ogres, goblins, etc need space too. Elves live far apart from each other so they light-leap. Something that could be improved is when Mr. Forkle was with Councilor Oralie. How did he end up there because all I know is that the prison was underground not above ground. Although one spot was confusing I still give it 5 stars. I would recommend this to fourth graders and up because of the violence and because I feel like third graders and above wouldn’t understand fantasy.
Almost 4 years agodonthavedog has read this book.
Almost 4 years agodonthavedog's book review was featured in Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities).
Have you ever heard of something called Panakes? Panakes help heal a wound if you eat the petals or put it on the wound. In the book there is only one way to get Panackes. Panackes are a fictional tree related to the Keeper Of The Lost Cities. The way to get Panackes was by a gnome Sophie met when she was joining the Black Swan. When Sophie swears an oath that she would be joining the Black Swan she discovers that Mr. Forkleis also Sir Astin. She also learns Mr. Forkle has other identities like Magnate Leto. Sophie and her friends get banned because the council thought the Black Swan was their enemy and during the time Sophie and her friends decided to join the Black Swan. While Sophie and her friends were with the Black Swan they went to Exullim. Sophie and Biana went to go and investigate about the plague the gnomes were getting. She found out that one tree was staying healthy and the Neverseen was guarding it. During their Exilim training Sophie meets twins. They helped Sophie and became good friends. They joined the Black Swan and they were trying to cure the plague and used Fitz 'brother as a guide because he knew it the best. When they stole the “cure” they made a quick escape and this turned out to be the Neverseen’s plan. After they escaped from that Calla realized that the only way to get Panackes is when a gnome sacrifice themselves and turn into a Panackes tree. What I liked about the book is that Messenger makes a huge twist by making Alvar part of the Neverseen. I think the theme for this book is “trust your instincts”. I think that is the theme because when Alvar Fitzs brother didn’t let Tam read his Shadow vapor. Tam thought it was suspicious. Later they learn that what Alvar was hiding is that he was part of the Neverseen. Important characters in the book include Sophie Foster and her friends. Sophie is a girl who is good at everything but she would take life risking things to destroy the Neverseen. Fitz always tries to stay by Sophie’s side; they are cognates. He wants to Destroy the Neverseen because his brother betrayed him. Dex is a technopath and has been helping the Black Swan build things. The Elvin world is set apart from the human world because they went against the treaty they signed with the Councilors. The Elvin world is very sparkly and everyone is born with a birth fund. Something that can be improved is that when Fintan built a wall of Everbalze around them why couldn’t Tam cover them because of the black fog so it looked like they were gone. I would give this 5 stars despite the part that can be improved. I would recommend this to fourth graders and up because this book series so far has a lot of violence. Neverseen was a good book and I really enjoyed it and it was really breathtaking what they did in this book.
Almost 4 years agodonthavedog added a book review.
Have you ever heard of something called Panakes? Panakes help heal a wound if you eat the petals or put it on the wound. In the book there is only one way to get Panackes. Panackes are a fictional tree related to the Keeper Of The Lost Cities. The way to get Panackes was by a gnome Sophie met when she was joining the Black Swan. When Sophie swears an oath that she would be joining the Black Swan she discovers that Mr. Forkleis also Sir Astin. She also learns Mr. Forkle has other identities like Magnate Leto. Sophie and her friends get banned because the council thought the Black Swan was their enemy and during the time Sophie and her friends decided to join the Black Swan. While Sophie and her friends were with the Black Swan they went to Exullim. Sophie and Biana went to go and investigate about the plague the gnomes were getting. She found out that one tree was staying healthy and the Neverseen was guarding it. During their Exilim training Sophie meets twins. They helped Sophie and became good friends. They joined the Black Swan and they were trying to cure the plague and used Fitz 'brother as a guide because he knew it the best. When they stole the “cure” they made a quick escape and this turned out to be the Neverseen’s plan. After they escaped from that Calla realized that the only way to get Panackes is when a gnome sacrifice themselves and turn into a Panackes tree. What I liked about the book is that Messenger makes a huge twist by making Alvar part of the Neverseen. I think the theme for this book is “trust your instincts”. I think that is the theme because when Alvar Fitzs brother didn’t let Tam read his Shadow vapor. Tam thought it was suspicious. Later they learn that what Alvar was hiding is that he was part of the Neverseen. Important characters in the book include Sophie Foster and her friends. Sophie is a girl who is good at everything but she would take life risking things to destroy the Neverseen. Fitz always tries to stay by Sophie’s side; they are cognates. He wants to Destroy the Neverseen because his brother betrayed him. Dex is a technopath and has been helping the Black Swan build things. The Elvin world is set apart from the human world because they went against the treaty they signed with the Councilors. The Elvin world is very sparkly and everyone is born with a birth fund. Something that can be improved is that when Fintan built a wall of Everbalze around them why couldn’t Tam cover them because of the black fog so it looked like they were gone. I would give this 5 stars despite the part that can be improved. I would recommend this to fourth graders and up because this book series so far has a lot of violence. Neverseen was a good book and I really enjoyed it and it was really breathtaking what they did in this book.
Almost 4 years ago